Advice By The Slice

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[SLICE] End of the Year To Do List for an Independent Artist

Ok - it’s OCTOBER (how). It’s time to get your shit straight! There’s still 2.5 months left in the year, so you better make sure your ducks are in a row! If not, then find your ducks, tell them it’s time to get serious, and to get in their appropriate row. Ducks are IMPOSSIBLE to keep in line.

Here’s your to-do list:

  1. VOTE.

    • So, that’s not music related, but it’s your civic duty and NOVEMBER 6 IS THE DAY.


    • Make sure your releases are ready to go for holiday deadlines. iTunes/Apple Music sent their dates out last week and since I’m nice, I’m going to post them below! Please note that your distributor may have separate, earlier deadlines! Check with them.

    • If you are not currently planning on releasing music, DO NOT MAKE A PLAN TO RELEASE MUSIC NOW. 4Q is still inundated with big releases and if you don’t have yours strategically planned out, it’s just not worth it at this point.

    • If you have early 1Q release plans, there are deadlines for those too! Get your artwork, press & marketing plans ready to go.

  3. PRESS:

    • Pitch to press early. Everyone goes on holiday - even cynical music writers! They want to get their work wrapped up and out the door. Plus, those “best of the year” lists are getting put together right now, so get to work! For January releases, premieres and features get locked in in November or early December


    • Make sure your 1Q tour or show plans are already in place. If you’re still deciding whether or not you’re going to tour in January, you might as well wait until April.

  5. MONEY:

    • Do your best to start to gather financial info together for taxes. If you have a CPA they will want some info before the end of the year. Did you pay people this year? You’ll have to send 1099s in January. Might want to start thinking about that.

  6. WRAP UP:

    • Make a list of what you need to get done before the end of the year and start checking things off.

  7. PLAN:

    • Draft out your goals for next year and (if you haven’t already) start an outline of what you want the top of the year to look like for your project.

I knowwwww, you just wanted to float on into the new year full of Turkey and champagne. Me too! I want that too! Just a few things left to do and then we can make that happen.

And now for those deadlines: