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[SLICE] Millennial Movers & Shakers

Photo: Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images


The majority of articles that include the word “millennials” will most likely be followed by “are killing the _____ industry”. Luckily, the music industry is brimming with young talent looking to take charge in the new digital age we reside in. Here’s a tiny dollop of inspiration for the avocado toast generation: 

Cole Bennett (21): Entrepreneur and Music Video Producer

Music videos were once an essential piece of the music industry puzzle but have taken a backseat in recent years. Cole Bennet is looking to revitalize the MTV music video hay-days with his company Lyrical Lemonade that specializes in ad-hoc style filming for up and coming rappers. Cole’s video style is simple in that he doesn’t create a narrative for most of his music videos, instead he relies on special effects and camera movements to capture an audience. With hundreds of millions of views and sold out showcases, it’s safe to say Cole has only gotten started.

Check out some of his most recent work here:

Pat Corcoran (27): Artist Manager

Dealing with rapid success and fame is not an easy task for anyone; however the young Pat Corcoran has helped Chance the Rapper emerge as one of the most sought after entertainers in the industry. Using unconventional methods to gain national attention, Pat has gone on to create Haight Management that specializes in artist management, merchandise and creative development. Keep an eye on Pat, as he has noted that new creative works are in the making. 

Check out an in depth interview with Pat here:

Athena Koumis (21): Playlist Editor

Playlists are of huge importance in the music industry currently, but who even makes all these playlists? I found Athena Koumis via an article on The Verge explaining how she curates the “Fresh Finds” Spotify playlist and was inspired that she attends live shows to help select new music. Unlike most playlists, Athena isn’t open to pitches and takes an organic approach to discovering new music. 

Check out the Fresh Finds playlist here:

Think there should be someone else included in this list? Write me @dolphin_finger with millennial movers and shakers!