Advice By The Slice

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Is a global pandemic the time to release new music? An analysis

Unbeknownst to us… the last gathering we’d have for Ron Pope’s “Bone Structure” release the week before it came out and the world fell apart!

Well, we’re dusting off Advice By The Slice to focus on some timely issues that have come up due to COVID-19. Let’s get to it!

It’s no secret that times are weird. Due to COVID-19, touring is cancelled for the foreseeable future and every other “normal” promotional thing kind of feels up in the air. It’s only logical that artists are questioning their release plans. This is probably the main question I am getting asked right now -- “should I move forward?” While I can’t give you a specific answer for your project, I do have some ideas that might be worth your consideration. 

  1. Understand the landscape.

    • There are a few things you need to know. 

      • Press - There have been a massive amount of layoffs in the world of press, so getting a ton of write ups for a new project is going to be significantly harder. If you’re already established, you still may have a hard time simply due to the lack of available writers. This doesn’t mean that albums shouldn't be pitched, but it’s a reality we’re facing. I’ve also seen a massive increase in outlets shifting their focus to livestreams, so that cuts into true editorial for singles/albums. 

      • Streaming - the way people are streaming music has changed. “Commuter” playlists have seen less action, while calm, ambient sounds, or playlists focused on kids have seen a jump. Again, this doesn’t mean other playlists aren’t getting curated, but DSPs are naturally going to focus on what is working right now (but as we all know - banking on playlisting is not a marketing plan either way!). 

      • Touring - we literally do not know when this will happen, so you shouldn’t build it into your plan.

      • Emotions - People are mentally exhausted. Even if they still have a job, this has taken a toll on the industry. I’ve seen things slip through the cracks simply because people are working remotely and it’s difficult to get everyone on the same page. 

  2. Are you ready to be all in?

    • If you decide to go for it - then really GO FOR IT. There is no half in. Same as anytime, if you just put out a song and hope for the best with no real promotional efforts behind it, then you will not get the results you are hoping for. However, now, more than any other time, you need to be engaged on social media and check off all items on your release plan. Allow the excitement for your  release to  bleed into every part of your life. 

  3. It’s time to get crafty.

    • Knowing that a lot of traditional in-person press & promotional opportunities are no longer available, you’ll need to get creative with how you market your release. Think about ways you can engage your audience (from a distance, of course) with things that are a natural fit with the music. For example, we created custom cocktails for each Hula Hi-Fi single and partnered with a local bar to add them to their to-go menu. Also, video shoots are gone. What can you do to visually represent your sound that makes sense? Vimeo Create just launched and is a great tool to create short form promotional videos. Can you shoot a video with your bandmates and edit it together to form a music video? There are endless options for videos - but it’s time to head into your imagination station and come up with something unique.

  4. You’ll need to be understanding and flexible.

    • Logistically speaking, things are way out of whack, so if something doesn’t happen exactly the way you envisioned it, you may need to be a little bit flexible right now. Know that going into your release. Errors happen, and from what I’ve seen, they are happening a bit more now. If it’s not something that will really break your campaign - maybe pump the breaks on angry emails and calls. 

  5. People are ready to form connections.

    • This is the perfect time to form genuine relationships with your fans. Everyone is weathering the same storm and transparency is key. While no one wants to be reminded over and over of the shit show we’re all in, it feels real when someone says “THIS IS HARD.” We’re all feeling it. Now more than ever, fans are likely to tune into a live stream, so take advantage of this and let your personality shine. Even with the most avid social media poster, personalities can get lost in the feed. But IG Live? It’s like we’re all on a big facetime! Just be yourself, pour a cocktail, play a song if you feel like it, have a freaking dance party, chat about your day -- whatever feels right! That’s what people are craving right now - the real shit. 

BOTTOM LINE: With all of these considerations, I think that it is more than doable to put out new music right now. It will come with a unique set of challenges, but people need art and they are open to new things. Your strategy will need to be honed to make sure you’re optimizing what’s still available, but ultimately… I say go for it.